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Western Pennsylvania's Local Food Guide

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Western PA's Local Food Guide

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  5. FoggyGreens
Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, United States, Pennsylvania 15010
Phone #: 2565413680
Facebook Page:
County: Beaver

FoggyGreens began business in 2021, striving to provide healthy and delicious microgreens in every micro we produce. Our dedication to growing our microgreens holistically and with care results in what we like to call “health you can taste”. 

Microgreens are essentially a small vegetable that come in a wide range of varieties that provide a substantial amount of health benefits. Everything from vitamins and minerals to even helping combat and prevent a variety of diseases are packed into these little greens. Grown organically like ours, the nutritional value of microgreens vastly outweigh those of their mature counterparts typically found at your everyday grocery store.

Contact us today to find out more and try some of our delicious FoggyGreens!

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This directory of farms, farmers markets, CSAs, etc. will also contain local food tips, hacks & know-how from farms, food businesses, and food resource organizations.

We help consumers connect to tools and resources to know how and where to access local, real, healthy food year-round.

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