From our friends at PA Women’s Agricultural Network:
We have two amazing Walk-a-Mile Potlucks lined up for you on this half of the state this month. For both, there is no cost – just bring a favorite dish to share. Children, family and friends are always welcome!
First up, we’ll be learning best practices for pruning established apple trees in Venango County.

Friday, March 15th, 3-6pm
Newbury Fruit & Nut Farm
328 Whitehall Rd
Emlenton, PA 16373
This will be a hands-on workshop where you’ll get to learn some tips and techniques for nurturing healthy, productive apple trees, and will get to put those newfound skills to use on the host’s orchard. The weather forecast is calling for a gorgeous day, but we all know how that goes! Please plan to bring your muckboots (and possibly a raincoat), work gloves, and any pruning tools you have, such as secateurs, loppers and pruning saws. If you don’t have any pruning tools, we’ll have some on hand to share. After a hearty pruning session, we’ll sit down to our delicious potluck dinner and a rousing discussion on orchards and agroforestry. We have invited a pruning expert from the Master Gardeners to join us, and Tracey Coulter, the PA DCNR’s Agroforester, will also be on hand. Heaps of experience and knowledge to be shared, so we hope to see you there! Register here to let us know you’re coming.
Next, we’ll be touring the inspirational Farm at the Greater Washington County Food Bank.

Monday, March 25th, 5-7pm
The Farm at Greater Washington County Food Bank
909 National Pike West
Brownsville, PA 15419
The newest venture of the Food Bank, the Farm runs on a CSA model, providing fresh, healthy food directly for the Food Bank while also striving to educate and empower whose who wish to learn about and work in sustainable agriculture. This will be an indoor/outdoor tour and chore session, so do plan to dress for the weather – whatever late March brings us! After the walk-through and hands-on sessions, it’s time to sit, eat, and share our visions and values for how we can create and support initiatives like this all across the state. If you’ve been needing something to fire up your passion and drive for the year, the folks at the Food Bank will surely inspire you! Please register here to attend.