Tree Pittsburgh has a full calendar for spring with special events and volunteer opportunities, ranging from garden & landscape symposiums to tree adoptions to plantings, and, fast on the horizon, Up-Potapalooza! This day-long arboreal binge looks to up-pot 3000 baby tree seedlings into growing pots.
Don’t know what up-potting is? No problem! Tree Pittsburgh staff will be on hand for the duration, providing training and support. They’ll also have light refreshments, prizes, guests, a musical soundtrack, and a DJ during the home stretch.
Up-Potapalooza will be on Wednesday, April 17th, running from 8 am to 8 pm, at Tree Pittsburgh’s Heritage Nursery at 32 62nd Street in Lawrenceville. Numerous volunteer shifts are available throughout the day.
If you’re unable to take part in person, donation is an option, and goes a long way in covering their significant expenses.
You can view the full calendar of events, learn more, donate, and/or sign up for a shift here!