From our friends at Just Harvest:
Many of your organizations work every day with people who rely on SNAP to prevent hunger. We invite you help defend many thousands of those people from harm at our next our Power of the Pen monthly event on Wednesday, March 20 from 6-7:30pm at One Smithfield St. Childcare and a light meal will be provided.
At the event, we will present more information and real-life stories about the people that could be harmed by the USDA proposed Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) rule that would further expand the strict time limit for food benefits for unemployed and underemployed people who can’t find work or are unable to work enough hours.
There are several options for taking action at the event – we’ll provide templates, feedback, and assistance for each option that you choose to participate in:
· Writing a comment to the USDA. The USDA must read and respond to every individual comment that they receive. At the event, we will provide laptops for you to directly enter your comment – or you can hand write it and we will submit it on the website the next day. We very much need you to contribute comments and letters informed by your specific experience and expertise.
· Letters to community leaders to ask them to participate in this effort.
· Writing letters to the editor to help to inform the general public of the harms that could be created by this rule.
Please RSVP for the March 20th Power of the Pen at this link. And please forward this email invitation along to your networks, share the Facebook event, and/or post the attached event flier around your organization to invite your clients and constituencies.
Please call or reply to this email if you have questions. My contact information is below my signature.
Helen Gerhardt
Grassroots Organizer
Just Harvest: Action Against Hunger
o: 412-431-8960 x105
c: 412-518-7387