Mother Earth Farm

Twin sisters Chloe Drew and Jennica Giroux own and operate Mother Earth Farm PA. After independently being drawn to farming while living 1,000 miles apart, the Farm brought the sisters back together to their hometown of Indiana, PA to engage in their passion of working in the soil.

“We use organic practices; never spraying with pesticides, herbicides or using inorganic fertilizers. Instead we utilize on-farm inputs, locally sourced manure and no-till practices to enrich the soil rather than harm it; fulfilling our goal of growing healthy vegetables for our families and our community.”

Pasture-raised, Non-GMO Chicken Available

Pittsburgh pick-up options for Mother Earth Farm’s pasture-raised chicken, raised humanely from start to finish. Offering pick-up in Sewickley and Cranberry on July 18 and in Mt. Lebo and Fox Chapel on July 25. Message us to learn how to reserve yours today! If you’re local to Indiana, pick up is on the farm starting June 25!

Additional Products Offered:

  • CSA (farm-to-home membership) offering vegetables and berries grown using organic (not certified) practices
  • Pastured poultry – humanely raised chickens and turkeys, non-GMO feed
  • Outdoor education – preschool as well as summer camps for all ages