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Western Pennsylvania's Local Food Guide

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Western PA's Local Food Guide

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  5. Crabapple Hollow Farms LLC
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24127 Miller Hill Road, Cambridge Springs, PA, USA, Pennsylvania 16403
Phone #: 814 573 6490
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County: Crawford

A veteran-owned small family farm in northwestern pa. Our farm has been in operation since 1939. Starting with a small dairy operation and sizable produce business the farm has gone through some changes with the generations. The farm moved to beef and hay production in the 90s to just hay in later years. We started a small beef herd again last year and tested the produce market again. We were overwhelmed by the demand for fresh produce and plan to ramp up for 2020. We plan on adding a vegetable stand and expand our restaurant sales. Our beef herd is just starting and we hope to offer quality meats in a couple of years. We are excited to see where our farm goes next!

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We publish our updated annual Local Food Guide and take all types of content submissions like pictures, articles, reviews, and more. Use the form below to submit content for next year’s guide!

This directory of farms, farmers markets, CSAs, etc. will also contain local food tips, hacks & know-how from farms, food businesses, and food resource organizations.

We help consumers connect to tools and resources to know how and where to access local, real, healthy food year-round.

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