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Western Pennsylvania's Local Food Guide

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Western PA's Local Food Guide

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  5. Local Raw Honey and Crafted Infused Honey
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Ligonier, PA, USA, Pennsylvania 15658
Phone #: 724-747-7855
Facebook Page:
County: Allegheny Westmoreland

We at Huckle Bee Farms, have taken raw Honey to a whole new level by infusing it with different fruits and vegetables to add natural, organic flavors to our Honey.  Used straight from the bottle on toast or bagels, as a complement to any recipe, or in place of sugar or other sweeteners to add organic natural flavors.  Our mission is to “give your taste buds a treat” and to expand your knowledge of an age old condiment. Visit us at for great ideas.

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We publish our updated annual Local Food Guide and take all types of content submissions like pictures, articles, reviews, and more. Use the form below to submit content for next year’s guide!

This directory of farms, farmers markets, CSAs, etc. will also contain local food tips, hacks & know-how from farms, food businesses, and food resource organizations.

We help consumers connect to tools and resources to know how and where to access local, real, healthy food year-round.

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