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Western Pennsylvania's Local Food Guide

Search our directory below for CSA’s, Farmers Markets, Restaurants, Farms and other businesses that grow, produce or support local food in Western Pennsylvania.

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Western PA's Local Food Guide

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  5. Stone Church Acres
Twitter: stonechurchacre
318 STONE CHURCH RD, Pennsylvania 15332-4224
Phone #: 9253664521
Facebook Page: Stone Church Acres
County: PA

Stone Church Acres is a family owned and operated farm located in Finleyville, PA on one of the highest points in Washington County. We are passionate about providing delicious healthy produce. We follow sustainable agricultural practices by providing the highest standard of stewardship over the land. We belong to the PA Association of Sustainable Agriculture and attempt to grow all of our produce as naturally as possible. This involves using organic methods, Integrated Pest Management, natural composted fertilizers and cover crops.

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Content Submission

We publish our updated annual Local Food Guide and take all types of content submissions like pictures, articles, reviews, and more. Use the form below to submit content for next year’s guide!

This directory of farms, farmers markets, CSAs, etc. will also contain local food tips, hacks & know-how from farms, food businesses, and food resource organizations.

We help consumers connect to tools and resources to know how and where to access local, real, healthy food year-round.

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